Understanding Hard Water and How to Treat it in Pompano Beach

Hard Water

Hard water poses a health risk to residents of Pompano Beach and many other cities in South Florida. This is because of its high mineral content, which can cause a number of problems for the human body, including skin irritation, headaches, and digestive issues. Fortunately, there are ways to treat hard water and make it […]

Understanding Hard Water and Its Effects on your Home

Hard Water

Hard water is a common problem in many homes throughout the world, and it can have a significant impact on the efficiency of your home’s plumbing system and the condition of your appliances. If you are wondering what hard water is and what it means for your home. In this article, we’ll explain what hard […]

How Does Hard Water Affect the Health of Your Family?

Hard Water

Hard water has a high concentration of hard minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. It may also contain other hazardous constituents, especially if it comes from unprotected sources. Many homeowners only pay attention to how this quality affects their appliances and plumbing system and fail to understand that it also interferes with their health. A […]

Problems That May Occur with Hard Water

Hard Water

Like many cities surrounded by an ocean or sea, Pompano Beach also has hard water. Although hard water provides a few benefits, such as protecting your bones because of calcium, it can cause many problems. The following are some of the problems caused by hard water in Pompano Beach.   Causes Itchy and Dry skin […]

The Impact of Hard Water on Your Wallet

Hard Water

When you own a two-story home, you may want to have a screen enclosure that offers protection from the elements on each floor of the building. A two-story screen enclosure is an excellent feature that will let you spend more time outside year-round. There are a few important tips to follow when planning your two-story […]

Hard Water- Why Your Appliances Don’t Last

Hard Water, hard water Pompano Beach, Rainsoft

Hard water is rich in mineral content, especially calcium and magnesium. The high mineral content can be attributed to the groundwater passing through the limestone-rich rocks. For people living in places that experience heavy rainfall, like Florida, the water coming out of your tap when you’re doing the dishes, showering, or watering the grass is […]

How To Eliminate Hard Water in South Florida

Hard Water

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Getting rid of hard water in Fort Lauderdale can be difficult and  expensive. Hard water results from high concentrations of magnesium and calcium minerals within the water supply. Hard water is not considered hazardous; however, it makes it difficult for soap and shampoo to produce effective lathers. It also leaves stains on fixtures and clothing. […]

The Most Common Signs You Have Hard Water in Pompano Beach

Hard Water

Hard water is a common problem that 85% of all homeowners are facing. The most frequent issues are from high levels of calcium, trace minerals, and magnesium.  However, most people don’t recognize or know about hard water in their homes and businesses. We look at the different signs of hard water in Pompano Beach and what you can […]

What Are The Negative Effects That Hard Water Has On Your Skin?

Hard Water