Choosing the Right Water Purifier for Your Home

Water Purifier

When it comes to choosing the right water purifier for your home, there are a number of factors to consider. The type of water purification system you choose will depend on your specific needs, budget and the type of water you have. To help you make the best decision, we’ve put together a guide that […]

How a Water Purifier Can Improve the Quality of Your Home’s Water

Water Purifier

Many households are unaware of the impurities in their home’s drinking water. Contaminants can be found in water such as chlorine, lead, nitrates, and bacteria. These contaminants can have serious health implications if ingested. The best way to ensure that your family is drinking clean and safe water is to invest in a water purifier. […]

How Does Hard Water Affect the Health of Your Family?

Hard Water

Hard water has a high concentration of hard minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. It may also contain other hazardous constituents, especially if it comes from unprotected sources. Many homeowners only pay attention to how this quality affects their appliances and plumbing system and fail to understand that it also interferes with their health. A […]

Problems That May Occur with Hard Water

Hard Water

Like many cities surrounded by an ocean or sea, Pompano Beach also has hard water. Although hard water provides a few benefits, such as protecting your bones because of calcium, it can cause many problems. The following are some of the problems caused by hard water in Pompano Beach.   Causes Itchy and Dry skin […]

What to do if you purchase a home with a well system

Water Filtration

Buying a home is considered a significant investment. However, aside from location and prices, there are other factors you need to consider. One of the most important factors to consider is the water system. People who buy homes away from the city are likely to buy a house with a well water system, which is […]

How Important are Water Filters?

Water Filter

Humans can’t survive without water. Most of our planet’s surface is water, and most of our bodies are too. It’s not always the case that this important, nourishing fluid is clear and healthy. Water sources may be contaminated by pollutants such as pesticide residues, toxic metals, and even organic waste. These contaminants, at best, affect […]

The Top 5 Most Informative Water Podcasts to Listen To

Water Purifier

The great thing about the world of podcasting is the fact that there are educated and informed podcasters out there that are covering virtually every topic that comes to mind. The topic of water is no exception. You will learn a wealth of valuable information about water when you tune into the podcasts listed here. […]

Signs Your Water Supply is Contaminated

Water Filtration

The United States does have one of the purest water sources in the world. However, there can be a fair chance the water tapping into your house might have some contaminants that can produce a change in the smell, taste, or appearance of water. Clean water is essential whether we are drinking or bathing with […]