Water Pressure

As a homeowner, you’ve probably experienced low water pressure with your washing machine or water taps. It’s not the most pleasing experience. Handling some simple home chores could take ages, which is inconvenient and unnecessary. If you don’t know the causes of low water pressure, you might have to deal with this problem for a while. However, this article details common causes of low water pressure and how to fix them.

Scale Caused by Hard Water

One of the major and frequent causes of low water pressure is scale buildup due to hard water. This water contains a high concentration of hard water minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. When water with a high mineral content evaporates, it leaves behind a white powdery scale substance. Scale can build up inside your pipes and restrict water flow, reducing water pressure.

You can use water softener devices to combat the effects of hard water and prevent scale buildup. A water softener works by exchanging magnesium and calcium ions for sodium ions. This process makes hard water softer and easier on your pipes. As a result, you’ll notice an improvement in your home’s water pressure.

Blocked Water Pipes

Blocked water pipes are another common cause of low water pressure. Debris, such as dirt, rust, and scale, can build up inside your pipes and restrict water flow over time. This buildup is more likely to occur in older homes with galvanized steel or iron pipes.

A water filter system in Pompano Beach can help to combat the effects of blocked pipes and improve your home’s water pressure. A water filter system in Pompano Beach removes impurities, such as dirt and rust, from your water supply. Filtration will allow for a more efficient flow of water through your pipes and improve water pressure.

Faulty Pressure Regulator

A standard pressure regulator is a device that controls the water pressure in your home. It’s typically installed where your water supply enters your home. However, if your pressure regulator is faulty, it can cause low water pressure.

You’ll need to call a plumber to replace a faulty pressure regulator. Once the new pressure regulator is installed, you should notice an improvement in your home’s water pressure. Also, ask your plumber to check your home’s water pressure before they leave to ensure that the problem has been fixed.

Dirty Water from the Source

It’s not common for dirty water to cause low water pressure. However, if the available water in your area is particularly dirty, it could be the culprit. Dirty water can build up in your pipes and restrict water flow. As a result, you may experience low water pressure.

A sound Rainsoft water treatment system in Pompano Beach can help combat the effects of dirty water and improve your home’s water pressure. A water treatment system removes impurities, such as dirt and rust, from your water supply. Using a Rainsoft water treatment system in Pompano Beach will allow for a more efficient flow of water through your pipes and improve water pressure.


Low water in homes is not usually a common experience. However, it can lead to huge problems and time wastage when it occurs. These tips give you information on the probable causes of low water pressure on your property. Then, you can use the solutions provided to eliminate the problem. Contact a local plumber for professional assistance on low water pressure at home.