Why It’s Important To Have Treated Water

Water Test, Water Treatment System

There are several reasons why water must be treated, especially if we plan to use it for drinking purposes or daily needs.  Clean water is a privilege, and many do not have the liberty of this fundamental human right, so they tend to suffer from the diseases caused by the consumption of untreated or unclean […]

Choosing an Air Purification System

air purifier system

Indoor air quality is more unsafe than the air outdoor. Because you spend a lot of time inside, the poor air quality can affect you and put you at risk for various diseases. An air purifier can help create fresher, safer air in the house or workplace, allowing you to experience the superior quality of […]

Tap Water That Tastes Good: Get a Water Filtration System

Water Filter, Water Filtration

You rely on water for cooking, gardening, and a host of many other activities, but you, your family, and your pets also depend on water to drink. Not everybody likes how water tastes, so they find ways to make it taste better by adding flavors or drinking sparkling water. Below are a few ways to […]

You May Be Drinking the Same Water That Dinosaurs Drank

Water Filtration

Did you know that most stored underground water has been there for several decades? Even more surprising is that there are countless billions of gallons of water underground that have been there for thousands, if not millions, of years.  Older stores of underground water are deep in the earth. They are typically not affected by […]

How to Easily Maintain Your Water System

Water Purifier, Water Softener

Maintaining your water system doesn’t have to be a daunting task. It can be pretty easy if you follow these simple tips. We will go over everything from changing the filters to flushing the system. By following these guidelines, you can help keep your water system running smoothly and prevent any costly repairs down the […]

Do Water Softeners Save You Money?

Rainsoft, Water Softener

Water softeners are devices that soften water using ion exchange resin. The resin removes calcium and magnesium ions from the water, leaving only sodium and potassium. This makes the water safe to drink. You don’t have to spend a fortune to buy a water softener. There are several options available at affordable prices. Here are […]

RainSoft Renovations With Long-Term Savings in Mind


Are you in the process of renovating your home? If so, you’re probably looking for ways to save money. Although renovations require a significant up-front investment, they can set the stage for saving thousands of dollars over the years to come. With RainSoft treatment systems from Coastal Energy Water and Air, you can look forward […]

What’s in your water? How to find out.

Water Purifier

Do you ever wonder what is in your water? 1. Use Rainsoft Water Softener in Pompano Beach, FL One of the best ways to save on renovations is to use a Rainsoft water Softener in Pompano Beach, FL. A water softener can help reduce the cost of your renovation by saving you money on your […]

At Home Maintenance For Your Water System

Water Filtration

Purchasing and installing a water system at home is the first step to ensure that you get clean and healthy water. However, some home water system maintenance is required if you want to maintain the freshness coming from your faucet.   With the help of a properly maintained water system at home, you and your family […]

Top 5 Impurities Air Purification Systems Remove

Air Purifier Pompano Beach

There has been worldwide concern about air pollution levels both indoors and outdoors. As per US Environmental Protection Agency, the air you breathe inside your home can be five times more polluted than the air outside. It is because the air inside our home gets no circulation compared to the air outside – it is […]