Common Water Problems in Florida

Water Test

There are several common water problems that homeowners in the state of Florida routinely experience. A water test conducted by trained professionals is required to determine if the water in your Florida home is subject to any of these issues. If present, they can be addressed through the installation of a Rainsoft Water Filter in […]

Problems That May Occur with Hard Water

Hard Water

Like many cities surrounded by an ocean or sea, Pompano Beach also has hard water. Although hard water provides a few benefits, such as protecting your bones because of calcium, it can cause many problems. The following are some of the problems caused by hard water in Pompano Beach.   Causes Itchy and Dry skin […]

4 Ways to Remove Sediment from Your Water Heater

Water Filtration

If you’ve ever looked in your water heater and seen a thick sludge at the bottom, you know that sediment can cause all sorts of problems. Not only does it make your water heater work harder, but it can also clog your pipes and reduce water quality. Below are four ways to remove sediment from […]

The Impact of Hard Water on Your Wallet

Hard Water

When you own a two-story home, you may want to have a screen enclosure that offers protection from the elements on each floor of the building. A two-story screen enclosure is an excellent feature that will let you spend more time outside year-round. There are a few important tips to follow when planning your two-story […]

Why Does My Water Softener Need Salt?

Water Softener

Water softeners are essential for many people with hard water. Hard water leaves iron stains, dries skin and nails out, and makes soap hard to lather. This generally means that homes are much harder to clean than normal. The hard water can also add an unpleasant iron taste to foods and drinks.   Hard water […]