4 Things You Should Know About Hard Water

Water Softener

When rainwater travels, it collects minerals and holds them as it passes through soil, sand, mountains, limestone, and rocks. As a result, the hard water we get from our tap is packed with minerals, primarily calcium, magnesium carbonates, and sulfates.  Fortunately, hard water is not considered a health risk. Many people consider it advantageous because […]

How a Soft Water System Can Improve Skin and Hair

Water Softener

After you shower, does your skin feel dry and itchy? Does your hair feel limp and unwashed? This may be a result of the hard water coming from your showerhead. Hard water contains a high amount of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. Although it is perfectly safe to drink and shower in, it can […]

Here’s How a Water Purifier System Can Make a Difference in Your Life

Water Purifier

Water is a necessity for survival and maintaining good health. We all use it daily, if not on an hourly basis. However, many of us rely on tap water for household tasks, water consumption, and cooking. And while tap water isn’t necessarily bad, it also isn’t necessarily good. The thing about tap water is that […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Get a Water Purifier in Your Home

Water Filter, Water Purifier

Water is a human necessity for survival and health so it’s something we truly can not live without. On top of that, we need clean and pure water to feel our best and prevent sickness. Unfortunately, much of the water that flows through the tap water pipes is not as clean we assume. The water […]

The Hidden Dangers of Showering in Unfiltered Water

Water Filter, Water Filtration

More and more people are becoming aware that drinking unfiltered tap water poses potential health risks. As a result of this newfound knowledge, they’ve switched to using filtered water systems on their kitchen faucets. Fewer people realize that similar health problems exist from the water used for showering and hygiene. Because of this, faucets and […]